Tuesday, July 25, 2006

It's Cool to Collect These!

When I was ten, all the kids around me spent their paper route money on hockey cards. It was cool to have them, and cool to trade them. The rookie cards were especially valuable.

It turns out that the cool things to collect among the missionary crowd are “prayer cards.”  These are 4” x 6” postcards with a portrait, name and where they’re going, in order that the folks back home remember them while they’re gone.  The coolest one we’ve seen was even made into a large magnet to ensure prominent placement on the kitchen fridge.  

People have been handing these cards out like candy around here – everyone, that is, except us.  We had no idea that this was a requirement for entry into the “in” crowd.  

We solved that problem over the weekend with a little bit of Photoshop magic.  We’re pleased to announce that we now have our own cards.  We’ll present them to fellow missionaries this morning and, with a little luck, they’ll accept us into the fold.

(It bears noting that when we brought our cards into the photo lab at Wal-Mart to get them printed, the clerk mistook them as being professionally created, and questioned our right to make copies.  Sounds like a vote of confidence in our budding graphic design skills to me!)

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